
A slickline is a string of wire that is mechanically run down a well to deliver equipment.


Sonology is a method using the reflection properties of sound waves, used for well analysis.


Logging is the measurement of density, resistivity, calipers and gamma rays for new wells and production wells.

Well Testing

Well Testing is the implementation of a series of planned data acquisition activities.


Slickline Job

PT. Powerwell Nusantara is a National Private Oil service company that uses Wireline or Slickline technology and utilizes the following scope of work:

Open - Close SSD
Running PX-Plug
Identify the depth of well
To identify the tubing end with tubing end locator
Clean the tubing debris with sand pump bailer
Survey the temperature
Survey the pressure
Verify I.D tubing with tubing gauge ring
Clean the tubing wall from paraffin skin


Power Test Result

The results of the power test are a method to determine the production capacity of the well. The results of the power test are carried out using the Pressure Build Up Test and Pressure Drawdown Test.

The purpose of the power test work on oil wells is to identify the capacity of gas and oil wells as well as reservoir characteristics and borehole deposits. Measurements can be operated with:

SRO (Pembacaan Tekanan Permukaan)
EMR (Rekam Memori Elektronik)

About US

Tentang Kami

PT. Powerwell Nusantara is a national private oil service company that provides services closely related to reservoir engineering in oil and gas companies.

PT Powerwell Nusantara is present in the Energy industry with the awareness that energy is one of the main pillars for a country that continues to improve our services and quality of work.

We position ourselves to be a company engaged in integrated energy services to provide Total solutions. Accompanied by a strong commitment and continuous innovation. We apply this principle to strengthen the company's position which is always growing according to needs.


To become a leading energy service company by providing appropriate and responsible solutions.


Interactive in serving customer needs related to construction and solution procurement work as well as maintaining professional commitment.

Customer Reference

  • PT Asuransi Tugu

  • PT Freeport Indonesia

  • PT Great Giant Pineaple Group

  • PT Pertamina Huku Rokan

  • PT Indonesia Financial Group

  • PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional

  • PT Krakatau Steel Indonesia

  • PT Multi Bintang Indonesia

  • PT Patra Logistik Indonesia

  • PT Trakindo Group

  • PT Wilmar Tbk

Project Reference

The following is a documentation of the business activities we have worked on

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